Shuttergang Squad Roll Out
By Jack Elsbury
What do you do when there aren’t any big meets on? Well the Shutter Gang Squad know exactly what to do to ease the boredom of a Sunday night. We decided to meet up and roll out!
After meeting in Aylesbury, we got some nice new squad stickers designed especially for reps. 30 minutes and some questionably straight stickers later we were ready to go.
Our first destination was more to escape the rain then anything so we headed to a multi story carpark and decided to go check out a local meet just round the corner little did we know “300 people attending” was a slight exaggeration.
Argos car park previously a sight for big car meets so our hopes were high, but quickly disappeared when we pulled in (probs due to rather poor weather). All of about four cars were sat waiting as our convoy of 9 cars a variety of Jap and German (Okay 1 Jap car and too many Germans) cruised in. To be honest I don’t think we realised the group of cars were there for a meet until they started racing round the car park. See, it’s never Shutter Gang causing the problems!! ;)
Deciding the meet wasn’t going to get any better the Squad chilled, chatted all things cars and then headed to maccies and home.
None of us could complain as we spent a possible dull Sunday evening with our mates and had a good night! Bring on the next one!
Check out our Facebook page for all info on where we plan to roll on the weekends and keep your eyes out for the next main Shutter Gang meet!